Mark 1 & 2

One of are local elders alluded to this house being Jesus’s very own house, the more I consider this the more I think it captures the heart and progressive dimension of Gods revelation towards mankind.

He has been out in the wilderness, then into a synagogue and onto one of his first disciples homes and then into all the synagogues.

So first he goes out to the messenger who prepares the way before the message, out to the wilderness – then out himself to overcome in the wilderness alone. The message overcoming victorious in the wilderness.

Then he teachers the message with authority in the appointed place of learning, for worship.

Then one of those he has called to follow him to be taught how to catch men his home he enters. The life that has overcome in the wilderness and had authority in the synagogue due to only worshipping the living God, is shown succinctly to be the same in his disciples own home.

The message that catches men is the same in the Church as in other peoples homes. It is not a segmented religious life but a whole natural life, a 24/7 life.

Immediately he left the synagogue and entered the house of Simon! The Holy Spirit led him into the wilderness immediately, and now the Word that has overcome makes his first priority the training of other men to carry authority as he has just displayed, not just on the sabbath nor when in the synagogue alone.

Then when they found him praying and informed him that everyone is looking for him, he incorporates them ‘Let us’, go to the next town, that I may preach there also, for that is why I came! True preaching of the Word, deliverance follows. The emphasis is on the Word of God first, primary. The substance is the Word.

Paul states in his epistles, woe is me if I preach not the the gospel, this was not a unique necessity laid upon Pauls life due to the revelation he had received concerning the gentiles inclusion. It is why the Word himself came out, to have dominion and to multiply, over the ‘fish’ and all the earth.

Preaching has the preeminence concerning the focal point of all ministry. Not singing and instruments.

Jesus is then restricted from being able to enter every town.

Then he returns to Capernaum and it is reported that he is at home.

Jesus had instructed the healed leper in no uncertain terms, scripture not only giving repetition to the instruction but also the words spoken. As this man disobeyed the direct instruction of the Lord it had direct and immediate consequences – people had to visit him from their home towns to a desolate place.

One cannot help but believe that Jesus, was seeking to win those in the priesthood with his instructions to this man. It was more than just capping his fame for the sake of congestion.

Here right at this juncture we suddenly get a huge responsibility placed upon man! Upto now it has been Jesus leading in all things and the responsibility is gloriously consumed with the focus on him.

But here the healed leper is implicated with a huge responsibility of personal conduct. The Word is teaching that are obedience to his instructions has implications.

Had this man been obedience it would not have prevented him from entering the towns and it would have spoken into the priesthood powerfully concerning the nature of those obedient to his word! God does not Judge those put off the faith by those who boast concerning miracles, as God himself seeks only to speak of the lamb of sacrifice. The priests greatest need was to see the lamb of sacrifice – this leper was given opportunity to prophetically speak into the lives of the priesthood concerning Gods eternal remedy – in humility and meekness. Are greatest preaching as believers is through obedience to the word of God, this produces a meekness and humility through which others can see the work of God: the redemption of mans soul through the blood of the lamb.

Many people had been healed of sicknesses and various diseases, many had been delivered of demons. Had others been healed of leprosy, we know not. Obviously, leprosy has a unique place in biblical history and in the instructions concerning it. But this man had indeed been made clean through the word of God touching him.

However, the heart of the issue is obedience to the instructions of the Word of God, and this man did not progress in discipleship immediately at this point of healing in his life.

This is Gods word teaching us that it is not the healing where the focus lies, but obedience to the message of the teacher.

Millions have been encouraged and liberated by this leper’s boldness to approach Jesus and to have proven the will of God, it took the apostles Peter and Paul a lot longer to reach the same understanding concerning the will of God towards all men.

Jesus reciprocated this mans cry. He mirrored the very request, he answered his prayer and the authentic cry in such a manner that had this man paused to consider it he would have understood the love of God, and the bonds of intimacy. The power to walk in white are in the bonds of intimate love. This man was not only instructed to be a prophetic witness to the Cross through which the work is finished, but to know and walk with Him in the cool of the day.

Philippians Ch 3 v10.

Had this man not opened his mouth he would have been a prophetic message of the lamb who before his shearers opened not his mouth. A proof to them that scripture is true, that the word can truly make the human heart clean inwardly, clean because the primary love embraced is the word spoken by him who matched my cry.

What hinders me from entering into a bond of intimate love with the love of God? ‘You are my beloved Son, with you I am well pleased’. The disciples are moved outwards to other towns after Stephens death, and Paul carries the message of what God has cleansed unto the heart of empire.

Are greatest need as disciples of the lamb is to have what Stephen had, lead of the Spirit and taught in the Word of God, when Stephen opened his mouth to the priesthood it cut them to the heart, because he revealed to them the bonds of his intimate love, the will of God made known: ‘Lord, do not hold this sin against them’. And Paul made known this will of God towards all people, it not being his will that any should perish.

Stephen was accused of changing the customs to that which Moses had commanded, but he is asked to speak by the priesthood, and as the lamb has ascended on mans behalf, the mandate to ‘Go and make disciples of all nations’ is the purpose of why the Word of God had come out/forth.

Peter passed through every quarter before being in a specific home, and they came out to him, Jesus, from every quarter. And upon that roof top God spoke to him about the covenant he had made on behalf of man: Jesus sealed the Will of God at Calvary, as a man on behalf of all men.

The word of God lived out in his flesh life, the Son of promise 100 Abraham when he was born.

Head over 100 men, one who had taught his whole house to fear God and one to whom the whole Jewish nation spoke well off. Paul immediately preached in the synagogue that Jesus is the Son of God.

Repetition in scripture, Man placed in the Garden who after his side is pierced and man has entered the rest of the finished work of God, is to flow outward to each corner of the earth.

It is not good that man should be alone. Man cannot teach without union with the Word of God, much knowledge may be acquired but unable to answer the deepest cry.

The word of promise, and lead of the Spirit – the bride replied to union with the God of covenant: I will.

Her place was greater than the leper’s, she was given opportunity to reciprocate Him who fulfilled the Fathers plan: God shall provide himself a sacrifice. She speaks on behalf of the Church of Jesus Christ as one who put union with the word of God as the primary essence of why she had come out/forth. Be it unto me according to thy Word. This free will is imperative to the multiplication of all that is good and holy and clean.

The leper had a divine revelation from God, he failed to allow it to be outworked into the flesh and blood of his daily life.

His manner of disobedience implies that perhaps it had lead him into his desperate plight initially.

This man was not boasting concerning himself and how God had healed him or how his boldness had been replied. He had pressed through the Crowd and been touched by more than just the hem of his garment, but unlike the women with an issue of blood who had spoken the word of God within herself, he did not get to hear the Word of the Father being spoken over his life from an open heaven: ‘You are my beloved Son, with you I am well pleased’.

He had come to multiply his life.

He had gone away and begun to speak freely about it, spreading the news. The inward cords of loyalty and intimacy, bonds of love, the value placed upon personal relationships – all this comes through great cost and sacrifice through him who is the laid down lamb of God, but he had talk freely of it, because he had not obeyed the instruction to silently enter the heart of the sanctuary where are deepest needs are met.

He was healed and then his will is given an instruction, for the union with the Word to bear good fruit, the fruits of the Spirit.

The healed leper was a carnal disciple, and hence did a great disservice to the message of his Lord.

And no doubt to varying degrees we can all identify to this healed leper who have proved the heart of God to have answered are need. In some manner here or there to have failed to have conserved the message of the sanctuary: I am in love with you.

His focus on his healing would not lead others into this abiding place.

Such great responsibility placed upon the disciples. It is indeed a weight to great for men to bear having been born in trespasses and sin. It is a weight that carries the cry unto God, make me a Son or else I die! Who shall deliver me from this wretchedness.

Stephen preached to the priesthood, it was not a free event, it cost him his life, but it was only possible due to the quietness of the sanctuary: Stephen knew; I am in love with you & it birthed another son of God and a preacher at that, who travelled out to many other towns!

Thus, at this juncture in Marks gospel we have a need for this state of paralysis to be spoken into. The difference between the majesty of Jesus and his disciples inability to preserve such a costly alabaster jar of ointment.

Then he returns to Capernaum and it is reported that he is at home.

There was no room for him at the inn, at the very juncture of his first cry in human flesh, their was no room. He is born among the animals, and while the secular may dismiss the precious value of the sanctuary and give it no room in its upper rooms of learning, he is perfectly at home anywhere within his own creation, despite the highest throne above all being his ultimate abiding and reigning place.

There was no room, as they gathered at his home. Not even at the door.

Jesus has an audience, he is the focal point and centre of attention, how will he respond to any late comers or gatecrashers. How will he respond to any man who takes the focus away from himself. Jesus has no ambition upon earth other than the establishing of other men into his ministry: other lives to be blessed.

The focus can never been taken off Jesus, as when we look to him we see that he is focused on us. What a secret from the sanctuary, living so that others benefit. Here we have a perfect harmony, for all humanity when we are gathered together unto him, it burst out of an upper room and turned the world upside down.

And he was preaching the word to them.

How do you spend your free time? Jesus filled his free time with studying the scriptures so that he may have a word in season for the weary.

Mans greatest need is preaching. His intellect, his imagination, his heart to be nourished by the truth of Gods Word to all mankind: ‘For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son’

Wonder, excitement, color, all the elements and of the senses are enlivened when Noah is mentioned chopping down another tree for the saving of his family and of all humanity!

Jesus was first and foremost a preacher in respect to his ministry.

These four men could not get their paralytic friend near to him due to the crowd.

They removed the roof above Jesus, and lowered him down before him.

Here at his home where their is no room to get access to him, when he is in the middle of preaching!

Was Jesus’s preaching cut short. Was his message diverted, taken down another tract. Did he loose his trail of thought or could their act of faith manifest the covenant, the very heart of his preaching within this (own) home.

No doubt Jesus was aware of the dust and straw that fell upon the scroll, with fragments upon his head. He must have looked up and seen the men as the opening widened.

Preaching is the union that brings healing to every home: That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith….! It is a free gift but it must be guarded at all costs with the whole armour of God.

Animals are lowered to Peter from the ark of the new creation in heaven above. While he is in prayer upon a rooftop.

The angels were placed above the roof of the ark, guarding the treasure of inestimable worth, the humility of ‘Our God contracted to a span, Incomprehensibly made man’, ‘Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased’.

Jesus looked up and beheld these four men lower the paralytic. Could he see the stars twinkle in the night sky, or was the sweat of the mid day sun mixed with the dust and debris of sticks and straw.

What we do know about this scene, as men took the roof of the building, and as a man is lowered, is that Jesus was delighted by it. It energized him to conclude the preaching of the message that never has an end, only new beginning.

A man was lowered! This mirrors his humility. They were not taking off the roof to ascend to the heavens and define what is good and what is evil. Oh no, what made the scene so liberating and delightful is that their focus was not on themselves but on bringing another unto him, and when we have seen Jesus we have witnessed the meekness and sweetness of the Lamb, who humbled himself and became obedient even unto the death of the cross.

These friends understood that man needed to be lowered from lofty places to find his true healing. That Jesus is the cure for all the hubris of humanity.

This man was laid flat on a bed, or side. This is the place of resurrection and the place where the religious structure is superseded by the Word and union of the Lord of Love: I am in love with you, but touch me not as I am not yet ascended unto my Father.

From this place fruitfulness comes. The union with the message has to bring humility, and humility will bring the liberty of all of the cool of the day: In my fathers house, is both straw and fodder and room, are many mansions.

When we humbly obey God, this is the proof that cuts through religion and all its shortcoming due to are sins, and enables men and women to see clearly the love of God. Slain before the foundations of the world to reconcile for eternity.

When Jesus saw their faith.

He could not contain the truth of faith, that the fullness of his grace is given unto us.

‘Son, your sins are forgiven you’

Rise pick up your bed and go home with this free gift and multiply it.

And see what this man did! He hadn’t spoken a word to are knowledge, perhaps he was a quiet man and had never confessed his inward state of sin to another. Had he asked to be taken to Jesus! We can only speculate, but scriptures implies all the initiative was with his friends and their faith: They reciprocated that which would turn the world upside down, lowered to prefer another, focused on the needs of others: Central to all he began to do and teach.

He was perhaps not as bold as blind Bartimaeus, but he was the answer to Jesus’s cry unto his Father and the lesson his disciples must learn and abided in: I say to you, rise, pick up you bed, and go home’.

Was the close an anticlimax! Oh no it carries all of the weight of eternity: Adam where are you, for I am in love with you.

This man obeyed the word commanded by the high priest, by Word that was and is God, he went out before them all! He didn’t speak freely of the miracle that had just happened.

And the product of this is that all men where given the treasure of the sanctuary: access to his heart and home: I am in love with you, your sins are forgiven due to the provided sacrifice.

The man walked, he walked in the cool of the day! We never saw anything like this.

It was not a proud walk, it carried the treasure of the lamb in each and every continued step: ‘Son, your sins are forgiven’, by the authority of God alone.

‘Not so Lord’, three times. He commanded us to preach, that everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name’, and the baptism in continuing to please the Father automatically comes to all who hold it dear.

All who heard a son of man preach Gods word were filled with the Spirit of the Holy One that is God. When Gods word and mans combine it is a river of life outwards unto every home and every quarter of the earth.

The Church was born out of the Son of God who died for the sins of the whole world. He who resisted temptation and covered a multitude of sin: I am still in love with you.

Arise and shine for your light has come.

A supernatural river proceeding from the throne of God which bears fruit in every season.

12 the number of apostles called to follow him, 12 the number synonymous with the Church and bride of Christ: The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.

Leaves are lowered to the earth and humbled to the death of a cross. The laws of gravity meaning they will reach the ground despite having been blown to the four corners.

But they are vital as part of the cycle of life: enabling the ground to continue to provide all the nutrients and minerals for the roots of the tree. The leaves give back to the roots their source of life, ‘O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory’

When we give back to God in humility what we have freely received, it brings healing unto others.

The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all. Amen.


Working in a call centre and doing overtime etc, your days can seem to roll into a roboticism, in which you are not so aware that God has taken the roof off and opened a great expanse.

Nevertheless, as I reflect over the week I can look back and see many clear moments of Gods divine weave, encouraging me in love to love outwards.

On Friday night I took home a key from work by mistake that is essential to end of shift security. Having returned home and started to unwind, noticing it, meant I had to drive back to work. As it was late etc I drove which gave me a different vantage point, to running or cycling.

At one point on the journey I happened to glance upon a women with a baby siting on the lower deck of a double decker bus. It was a brief shot, and the baby I didn’t really see.

But it was the mother through whom I can say God has spoken to me. One would presume that she is not rich, hence no Land Rover and padded baby chair.

She was not pulling faces or any of the like. She was just a picture of serenity and fulfillment as she behold her baby in her arms.

It speaks to me of a treasure worth more than any material blessing, she was at home despite traveling on that bus.

It spoke powerfully of God, and the Spirit of God that has not forsaken humanity. Within her and the fruit she held was the message from the very beginning.

I have no way of knowing what faith she may or may not have been. But I know that preaching in humility is the note that made the messenger sing for Joy.