Luke Ch 14 Watch him closely

Ch 14

One Sabbath, when he went to dine at the house of a ruler of the Pharisees, they were watching him carefully.

Jesus had regular interactions with the Pharisees and while his strongest words spoken were directed at them, scripture affirms that Jesus had a wide open heart unto them.

We often focus on Jesus knowing that Judas was going to betray him and yet he was always a friend unto him. Jesus had a wide open heart unto the religious institution of men who were going to be the actual council who convened to put him to death.

In chapter 13 the 9th and last time synagogue is listed in the gospel of Luke, for me this does have a prophetic dimension, as Luke has a real focus on Jesus’s ministry starting in his home synagogue. A prophetic dimension as it brings to a head a distinction between the Sabbath Man and religious works.

Abraham, when he asked God for knowledge that his seed would possess the land, received a reply from God that included a specific number within the age of the animals sacrificed. Personally, I believe that the 3×3 and the subsequent darkness of the 9th hour was speaking into that mountain God later lead Abraham to offer his own Son upon.

Mount Moriah, is quite likely to be the very place upon which the temple was built.

The thinking, the mentality, the motivator, the inward drive to be justified before God through adherence to religious laws is to deny the utter fall and corruption of man.

‘Work’ is directly linked to the concept of ‘adding’. Man had fallen when tempted to work on, to add to themselves knowledge, so as to be like God, knowing evil but being wholly good.

Man was seduced away from the simplicity of a sparrow and of every hair being numbered. Man was seduced to add to himself knowledge without it coming directly through relationship with God and his Word of life.

Religious works cannot bring anyone into the life of God, into the relationship God design man to have with him. Man cannot become as God in his inward and corrupted condition, and no amount of religious works and striving can evoke the change.

If man could become righteous through religious adherence then their would be no such thing as good and evil. And perhaps thats why Babylon can be figurative of a secular Church. If religious adherence could make man righteous then evolution and post modernism can easily be embraced.

Deeply imbedded within ‘Works’ to become or be righteous is the absence of Gods Word that brings life. The Father and the redeeming Word of God are not understood if a man is seeking to be justified by religious works. How can corrupted man, fallen from simplicity with a nature distorted get rightly related to God through the very tree that brought the corruption.

Is the law then evil? God forbid, it was given so that we may know, the distinction, that we need salvation through grace by faith alone: God shall provided himself a sacrifice.

The only remedy to the fall of man is faith in the Word of God. Hearing Gods Word, hearing his voice and not being afraid but justified. How does hearing Gods Word Justify mankind? Clothed in the mantle of the lamb, behold the lamb of God, bring forth the best robe.

When man hears the true words of God and receives them he is attesting that Gods words are true and that man had fallen short of the glory of God through digesting the seduction of darkness that cannot give or create life.

The veil was torn in the temple, and Luke is very clear to inform us that it was dark from the sixth to the ninth hour.

Over the whole land there was darkness! Over all the promises and blessings unto nations and families.

While the sun’s light failed.

Many believe their was a solar eclipse during this time.

The Church as it was being redeemed blocked out the light of the sun.

The far side of the moon.

Their is no ying and yang in God.

On the far side of the moon their was the same consistent light shinning all the glorious goodness of God.

Man upon the earth had a rare opportunity to glance at the sun, but as he did so all he could see was the darkness of the moon.

As the moon blocked out the suns light it is ‘THE” answer from God concerning the knowledge of evil!

What is evil?

To crucify the Word of Life, the Word and Logos of God.

Then Jesus, calling out with a loud voice, said, Father, Into your hands I commit my spirit! And having said this he breathed his last.

Calling out with a loud voice – faith cometh by hearing and hearing through the word of God.

Jesus had his own hands nailed to a Cross – as the son of man he could not physically move.

Jesus reveals that he did not doubt the care his Father had for the sparrow or that every hair was counted.

Now we know that God is omnipresent. However, it is helpful at times to place the Father in the heavens in this instance as shinning upon the far side of the moon.

The Son was nailed to a Cross & it was pitch black. But the Father heard his Sons prayer upon that cross.

It was dark over all the land, and the moon was blocking out the Suns light. It appeared for a moment that darkness was a rebounding void. Gen Ch 1 v2.

But the Father heard the voice of his Son.

The Word of God did not return void.

I imagine that Jesus was looking up into the dark near side of the moon and beyond it, when he cried these final words.

It is as if Jesus’s hands were reaching out beyond the blockage of darkness into the everlasting arms.

The curtain of the temple was torn in two.

The very place that the prophet Abraham had been lead to offer his promised Son upon an alter.

The curtain was torn in two. No longer would access to the mercy seat be reserved for only one man on one appointed day of the year – the day of atonement.

The whole religious system was voided and deemed as no longer necessary – it was torn in two.

The sin that separated now had an atoning blood to draw near.

The knowledge of good and evil was torn in two and the function of the law was fulfilled through a perfect and spotless man.

The knowledge that I being evil could not enter into the true goodness of God – his dwelling place.

Abraham had reached out his hand with a knife to slaughter his Son, but then the Angel of the Lord instructed him not to lay his hand on the boy.

Abraham heard the voice of God from the heavens, from the Holy of Holies. And it affirmed that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God & that Issac was not sufficient as the sacrifice for sin.

The sacrifice of Isaac could not atone for sin, as he too was born in sin and trespasses – despite the promises.

The thief on the Cross feared God and it gained him the knowledge of eternal life.

Abrahams hands had free movement, but Isaac’s were bound.

Abraham heard the Word of life, Abraham did not believe that religious works would justify a man before a holy God.

Abrahams obedience to the voice of the Lord broke the religious concept of fallen man being justified through his works.

If Abraham had been religious, if Abraham had considered that he had a handle on the knowledge of good and evil, then all the promised blessings would have immediately dried up.

If Abraham had been religious Isaac would have died, Abraham not having been able to hear the Word of God, due to his own religious zeal.

Behind you, before the foundations of Babylon, Babel and this world.

On the mount of the Lord it shall be provided.

God who knows how to give good gifts unto his children.

God who has provided for the sparrow and knew every hair on Isaac’s eyebrows that stayed permanently rigid from this day forth. Well until he saw the far side of the moon bobbing on the horizon towards evening. It relaxed him into all the promises of God.

‘Father, into thy hands I commit my spirit’.

It relaxed Jesus to breath his last, knowing that the fellowship had covered a multitude of sins.

The 6th statement of Jesus upon the Cross ‘It is Finished’ three words spoken as the Son of man, the atonement complete. His work finished, of redeeming fallen and corrupted sons of men.

The veil torn in two.

The 7th, statement is the Sabbath of his rest.

On the seventh day God finished his work that he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all his work that he had done.

So God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it God rested from all his work that he had done in creation.

God blessed the seventh day uniquely as on this day God himself had rested after completing all his work.

The sabbath is in God a day of rebounding, of repetition.

The sabbath has a repetition ‘that he has done’ multiplied by 3.

(Luke Ch 8 v39)

The work of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

The sabbath is IN God!!!!!!

‘Father INto your hands I commit my spirit’

The sabbath in God has always been the promised blessing: And you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.

John Ch 17 v23: ‘I in them and you in me, that they may become perfectly one, so that the world may know that you sent me and loved them even as you loved me’.

Is not this verse speaking of the love of Calvary, speaking unto the high priest that despite Peters denial of never having known him, he boldly proclaims the name of Jesus on the ninth hour as he is entering into the temple: Silver and gold have I none – this beggar got an invitation to a much better banquet than tithes and offerings could ever give.

Acts Ch 3 v25-26: To bless you.

God still had an open heart to the chief pharisees despite Calvary.

Isn’t this worth far more than Silver and Gold, the true knowledge of the Grace of God.

But the blessing is a departing from the far side of the moon, it is the redemption of are lives through the blood of the lamb. It is a full embrace of the day spring, of the love that wilt not let me go. It is a departing from wickedness, a turning away from all darkness unto his marvelous light and life.

The moon, the Church shined after the day of Pentecost, through the knowledge of God, loved before the foundations of the world.

Let there be life and there was life.

The Church has the Words of eternal life as the true Church is in Christ and Christ is in the Father.

John Ch 3 v16

Saved by grace through faith: hearing the Fathers response to his Son.

The bride has always been on the other side of the mount of the Lord. The blessing of God is love.

And he loved her.

Prophetic of Christs love for his Church.

But on the first day of the week, they found the stone rolled away.

Peace be unto you.

Why are you troubled. Courage dear heart.

Have you anything to eat. Jesus would travel for food, but communion, stimulating conversation and heart fellowship were what made his heart sing.


But the blessing is a departing from the far side of the moon.

Well until he saw the far side of the moon bobbing on the horizon towards evening.

In respect to the phrase far side of the moon, an influence on thought processes was Pink Floyd’s album Dark side of the Moon. It is not a album I have any familiarity with, but in respect to Spiritual truth, the concept of darkness opening knowledge to color is a corruption of sight that comes from the fall. Their is no ying and yang in God – Truth is light and the rainbow is not a promise from God that he would spare the world from utter destruction from a global flood, that he affiliated with any pyramid from Eygpt.

Now the far side of the moon is in darkness, when it is facing away from the Sun.

Yet, uniquely during a solar eclipse the near side of the moon is in darkness.

When the moon is shining it is declaring Gods truth.

It is being revealed as a help meet, as a sign of Gods rule through his Son, all things have been entrusted to his care, and yielded back into Fathers hands.

You are the light of this world. Spoken to his Church knowing the world is in spiritual darkness, captive to the fall.

The light of the moon that rules in the night, is a lesser light, but it is a consistent life, it is from the same source as the day.

The moon is worshiping God, when it shines, in simplicity and liberty it is declaring that dependency upon God is a source of provision that brings illumination – and even helps things grow, although much less than the Sun.

During a solar eclipse truth is also being revealed. Against thee and thee only have I sinned.

Jesus was crucified due to the nature of sin in man. Mans sinful nature rejected the knowledge of God, of the provision of all Goodness.

The moon was blocking out the truth of God as the root of the tree of evil and the fall was being fully manifested: A man of pure love being crucified for being who he is, the I AM, the great I AM.

Cursed is everyone who dies on a tree. A crown of thorns, the sign of Gods Word of intervening Judgement, a prophetic act of the ground being redeemed through those hands who hold everything in their palms. The curse he took upon himself that the blessings might be restored.

So the far side of the moon has redemption woven into its orbit, according to times and seasons.

The far side of the moon is liberated and a delight, when being loved by the Sun rays. The far side of the moon is worshipping God during the provided sacrifice from God himself.

And Jesus.

When Jesus rose from that dark and far side of death itself, he appeared first as a gardener.

The tomb was enclosed with darkness. But Light himself was within that tomb.

Hidden things of darkness, well if you have a zest for life worship God as he is a creator who can truly stimulate your mind. Darkness equates to depression, light equates to life. The equator abounds with biodiversity.

Jesus passed through the prism of death itself and that is liberating truth rock and roll does not generally herald, but the rock was rolled away, as there is only one Solid Rock of all Ages upon which to stand – and he promises freedom for the prisoners of darkness and the fall.

So a departing from the far side of the moon is the rotation unto liberty and life that comes from the Son love.

But, due to the ‘work’, the sabbath of Gods rest, the far side of the moon was shinning brightly back unto the Father. The Sons, work fully finished: I in them, and you in me, Father. So a covenanted far side of union between Christ and his Church a oneness is the greatest blessing and the horizon that gives all men sight and vision.

When Christ was on the Cross, the far side of the moon had never shinned so bright before.

We serve a conquering and victorious King. We serve a God who has done everything.

On Sunday locally, we had communion. Abraham and myself were asked to serve the bread and juice. Abraham said to me in a private room where the bread and wine were, that God knew that the two of us would be doing this together today.

An esteemed lady in the Church read out Revelation Ch 4 v8-11.

Day and night the Lords love never fails.

The Father, Son & Holy Spirit.

Gen Ch 2 v3.

Luke Ch 24 v 50: And lifting up his hands he blessed them.

V53 And were continually in the temple blessing God.

Acts Ch 3 v25 & 26: And in your offspring shall all the families of the earth be blessed.

God, having raised up his servant, sent him to you first, to bless you by turning every one of you from your wickedness.

But the blessing is a departing from the far side of the moon – darkness.

Well until he saw the far side of the moon bobbing on the horizon towards evening. The jewel of the southern cross. The Church IN Christ lead outside to a garden of paradise.