Faith in the Word, the true blessing of the Church.

Mark Ch 11 v11- 25 & Mark 14 – v3-9

Jesus enters the temple, a pivotal moment. The temple followed the tabernacle, where the blood of a lamb was sprinkled on the mercy seat.

Abraham, father of our faith, had been promised through his seed, God would bless every nation and family.

When Jesus entered he turned the tables of the traders, his mission was the promised blessing from his Father, unto every nation and family.

The temple in Jerusalem was on a mountain, so when Jesus affirms that faith in God, can move this mountain into the sea, he is speaking of the whole fig tree of the religious system which is unable to clothe man with the mantle of the lamb, the liberty of the forgiven and redeemed.

Jesus returns to Bethany with his 12 disciples, after he foretells of the temples destruction. When the women broke the alabaster flask in worship, this is the fellowship Jesus had been looking for within the temple.

Where did the love and sacrifice come from, that moved this women to trade her most precious and valuable possession?

The Church is the bride of Christ. Twelve is synonymous with the Church.

In the parable of the prodigal son, the father is referenced 12 times. Jesus is speaking this parable to move the mountain of fig tress into the sea. 

When Jesus, the spirit of prophesy, speaks the fathers words it is prophetic: For this my Son was dead and is alive again.

Abraham, offered Isaac upon that mountain, and revealed to us that the sacrifice would come from God himself: God shall provide himself a sacrifice.

The blessing and the fruit God desires are when we believe in faith that he died for are sins and paid the penalty in full: Hallelujah to the Lamb of God.

The tax collectors and sinners drew near to hear him. And she had sat at his feet to hear his Word.

In Bethany, she believed in him, who raises the dead to life again, and Jesus affirmed it as the mandate of blessing for the whole world.

The Church is to be Gods house of blessings unto every nation and family.

The third parable, has reference to the Father twelve times.

The first verse of the Bible not to have God directly referenced is verse 13: ‘And there was evening and there was morning, the third day’. This is because God has completed a thing in the principle of the third day, through the seed that dies to reproduce fruit after its own kind.