Acts Ch 2: Sharing

When the day of Pentecost arrived, they were all together in one place.

And suddenly there came a sound from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting.

Luke Ch 1:

Luke starts his gospel by affirming that it is written to encapsulate those things eye-witnessed and ministered on by preachers of the Word of God that had been ministered.

Therefore, when the Word of God proclaimed: ‘Man your sins are forgiven you’, hence an eyewitness to those words being spoken also ministered the Word, and Cornelius and his household were all filled with the Holy Spirit when forgiveness of sins is heard by the hearers.

The Word of God is passed on by ministers of the Word received.

And that passed on, is a blessing to every nation and family, as promised unto Abraham.

The first time in documented creation that God is not directly referred to in the sentence is in verse thirteen of Genesis Ch 1.

And that is because God has completed a thing within the spiritual principles and truth of the third day – Genesis Ch 1 v1-12. God has shared the seed of truth, the Word that died to reproduce after his own kind.

Every star that shines through the darkness is a product of receiving the GOOD seed, which redeems the three kinds of bad ground. The 30, 60 & 100 fold are all biblical multiples of the third day and the latter with a tenth added, to highlight the promise made unto Abraham after his encounter with the priest Melchizedek, and his age when the promised son was eventually made flesh and blood.

The seed that went into the ground and died to produce good fruit, is Jesus and hence his name, his nature it inseparable from saving his people from their sins.

I do not know how it was arranged that the priest Zechariah was on duty that day. How the lot was outworked I know not, but it is another example of the sovereignty of God being over lots. In that God had promised that no women of Israel would be barren if the people of Israel were obedient unto the laws given unto Moses.

Therefore, the sovereignty of God to have a man and a women directly related to the correct bloodline of the priesthood was a miracle of divine order, for such a time as this, the time being fulfilled from Abraham to Jesus Christ 42 generations, and the prophetic timeline revealed unto Daniel.

The angel Gabriel appears unto him within the temple at the hour of incense, and proclaims the Word of God, that the child that they would have would be filled with the Holy Spirit even from his mothers womb.

To turn hearts of fathers to the children and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just, to make ready for the Lord a people prepared.

Zechariah asked: How shall I know this? ‘For I am an old man, and my wife is advance in years’.

Dear Zechariah, he knew the promises of God, that no womb would be barren, he also knew that he had come from the seed-line of Isaac, and the miracle of Moses being placed upon the waters of the Nile.

The angel was affronted by Zechariah asking for a further sign.

Zechariah was unable to speak, and had to become creative at trying to make his own signs as a method of communication.

The Word of God is the sign.

The Word of God is the seed, the good seed through which we are saved.

Eyewitnesses and ministers of the Word: Zechariah had seen the angel Gabriel & heard his Word from God.

And as he would have been a bad representative of the ministry of the Word: he was silence.

His silence gave birth to the correct ministry of the Word: He shall be called John, just as the angel had spoken. Foreshadowing Jesus, a new beginning, his earthly father not constraining his representation of his Father in Heaven.

6 months later, the angel speaks to the virgin Mary, and the angel repeats the necessity that the Holy Spirit is the divine orchestrator of events.

Mary asks a question of the angel, which the angel has no issue with, as the angel had not spoken of Joseph as he had of Elizabeth.

The angel also informs Mary concerning Elizabeth, as God desired that Mary should go visit Elizabeth.

Mary’s response affirms the beginning, eyewitness account of the ministry of the Word. Let it be to me according to your Word.

Genesis Ch 1 v3: The Word of God & its subsequent multiplication through the great truth of that which God had always shared with mankind: The tree of life and the good fruit it produces every season and month of the year: Through each of the twelve signs of the Zodiac Gods Word is the Sovereign truth and that is why we do not turn to fortune tellers or mystics but unto Gods Word.

I think its possible that as Mary greeted Elizabeth that in that moment as she shared the truth of Jesus: the ministry of the Word of God, that in that very ministry of testimony, of sharing with others the truth of Gods Word, that in that moment of Gods sovereignty, she conceived the Word of God that would make a provision to save humanity, if they would repent and believe.

For nothing will be impossible with God.

Speak the Word of God to someone today – that he is risen, risen indeed: that he died for your sins and rose again for your justification.

As she ministered the Word of God, fusion occurred. And Immanuel was birthed.

As she opened her mouth and gave testimony to the sign of the Word of God by faith alone, Gods Word was received in the true nature of the beginning, and the very ground from whence man fell, believing a lie that God had withheld something of himself that was to be desired, was about to be restored.

Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit, at Marys announcement. Elizabeth had really processed all the signs her husband had eventually conveyed, and the growing bump had been a very tangible sign that his crazy hand signs and silence had carried a WORD of true promise from God.

Elizabeth, knew that another child was coming greater than hers, and the announcement of a virgin birth from Mary was that greater than her own.

But this is the wonder! Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirt!!! Elizabeth who had a lesser child within her womb, received a fullness because that is the nature of GOD: plural, sharing with others. Elizabeth is elevated into the same dynamism as that which Mary carried, this is a sign post to the day of Pentecost where Mary was again filled with the Holy Spirit, as one among equals who truly had all things common: Their is only one divine: Father, Son and Holy Spirit – we never pray to Mary and she was not holy outside of carrying and receiving Gods Word of truth.

Elizabeth says blessed is the fruit of your womb! I believe the fusion has occurred. Gods Word is the good seed and fruit of life: GOD IS PRO LIFE, PERIOD. LIGHT is pro life & darkness is pro choice: making decisions of good and evil, life and death!!!

Elizabeth, sign posts what her husbands hands struggled to do: blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what was spoken to her from the Lord.

The baby in her womb had leaped for Joy. The baby heard it and understood, not by might nor by power but by my spirit says/ speaks the Word.

Pure Joy at the sound of his voice.

Zechariah is later filled with the Holy Spirit and prophesied all the wonder of God faithfulness. And we should note that he starts by specifically referring to the Lord God of Israel! We are not correctly communicating the Word of God if we herald a ministry that does not bless the God of Israel & despite Rome occupying the land of Israel at that time, this prophetic Word will be outworked according to the full counsel and timing of Gods sovereignty in his Word of promise.

The birth of Jesus Christ the Word of God, is surrounded by individuals being filled by Gods Holy Spirit.

Simeon had the Holy Spirit reveal to him and Anna too.

The favor of God was upon Jesus as he grew.

And at every passover his parents took him to Jerusalem.

But when he was 12 years old, Jesus had to show the foreshadow of Gods repetition: the principle of the third day (3×4 – Noah & then Abraham: all nations and families).

Jesus obedient to all the laws and his parents grew and became strong and was filled with wisdom. His obedience and wisdom had to remain in the temple on this passover, but his parents did not know it.

After three days they found him in the temple, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions.

And all who heard him were amazed at his understanding and his answers.

Jesus must have touched upon the Passover during this question and answer session. And had not the blood of the lamb, saved all the firstborn of Israel.

Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear. The demarcation of the waters and the land.

Perhaps the Q & A with the religious elite in the temple was such a demarcation as they discussed the Passover and the crossing through the Red Sea.

Let the earth sprout vegetation, plants yielding seed, and fruit trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind, on the earth.

But his mother and father upon the earth, they who had obeyed God to facilitate the fusion, the very first words captured for are specific benefit from the WORD of GOD upon the earth are inspired and sovereignly designed for this moment:

All the religious elite are in awe of him, yet crash bang wallop, his parents enter and he is spoken to as all 12 year old boys are: Son, why have you treated us so? Behold, your father and I have been searching for you in great distress.

This holds all of the pivot of the new covenant and the grace in which we are saved.

God has not penned the amazing answers he gave to the religious elite, but when he is reprimanded and accused as having dishonored his parents: The Holy Scriptures have chosen this moment to pen his first recorded words for our benefit.

His father & mother had missed the ministry of the Word of God shared with the religious elite over those three days!

But the scriptures are silent about it, as when Jesus the Word of God is penned it is a consistent ministry that does not change with any passing season: God made man Male & female and no volume of deceived will ever change that truth.

Jesus had obeyed the Spirit and his Father by remaining in the temple when he was 12 years old, to have his first spoken words in scripture at this juncture penned.

His parents had been intergral to the event occurring, knowing the law and having obedient hearts.

Jesus is rebuked by his parents, cut down to size as a child as the religious elite are in awe.

Does this not have application for us, in respect to the Word of God that we minister? It is not the answers to the religious elite that is documented, but the response to being shuffled away and perhaps publicly rebuked in a moment of excellence.

Zechariah had said how shall I know? And Jesus speaks and says: Why were you looking for me? Did you not know that I must be in my Fathers house?

Did you not know that at 12 I must foreshadow & show that which is completed through the Word of God and true ministry.

Do you not know that I am the passover lamb, and as such I must be in the temple these three days to reveal prophesy: Fathers business is a levitical sign ONLY: a lamb wrapped in weakness, to be kept pure and spotless for the sacrifice.

Fathers business is the Word that does not return void: God shall provide for himself a lamb for the sacrifice my Son, Isaac.

After three days journey up to that very place David purchased for a house for the Lord.

Jesus spoke a word to his parents of no condemnation, he did not protest at their handling of him, but he answered their question with the inspired truth of the WORD OF GOD SHARED WITH US: Immanuel.

I am your covering for every mistake and error, every time you have stepped out of kilter with the Spirit, three days or three decades. The blood of the lamb when we confess are sins, cleanses.

Loss of face amongst all those traveling home to Nazareth, and then a public rebuke and accusation of the sinless one having broken a commandment: honour your father and mother.

Jesus does not do to them what they had just done to him! NO, he shall be called John – not offended – but Joy.

Jesus’s the inspiration of scripture pens his first Words as ‘ I’ve got all misunderstanding and loss of public face, I’ve got humiliation before the religious elite, I got all the complexity of human interactions and failures for departing from the Word of God, Ive got it all covered: As I am the passover Lamb.

Jesus had grown, like a tree year on year growth through light: the truth of Gods Word. Growth through obedience, growth on every visit to the temple, from a giggle from a tickle to walking and talking: Dwelling three days in that temple!! The revelation of the Father through being given a Son.

Jesus had grown in strength and wisdom and the favor of God was upon him.

Glory to God.

Jesus at 12 years old, a young man, the very start of his manhood the transition from being a child.

Jesus is not offended to have his mum and dad on earth lay an axe to his moment of ministry in the temple. NO!

Oh the masculinity of meekness, not weakness the lambs barrr.

Jesus, as a young man stands tall, his arms outstretched to show the width of his Fathers house: In my fathers house.

This Word, this ministry, that God himself will provide a sinless sacrifice, this is the seed we must receive that we too might pass onto others what God did for me that was impossible for me to do for myself, this I give unto you: In the nature of the passover lamb, stand up and walk again!

Joy, leaping and praising God.

Luke Ch 15:

The religious elite grumbled and said: This man receives sinners and eats with them.

What man (Adam) having a hundred sheep does not leave the 99 in the open country until he finds the lost one. (Abraham had one Son born of correct divine order, after repetition of Gods word that came to him at 99 years old)

Joy in heaven.

What Women (Eve) having ten coins, does not light a lamp and sweep the house seeking diligently until she finds the lost one.

Joy in heaven.

A man had two sons (Cain & Abel)

One among the religious elite, who had hung out around his fathers house but had never asked the correct question concerning his Fathers desire to share all that was within his Fathers house: the nature of the ministry of no condemnation, the joy of people returning to understand the answer of all he began to teach: Abel was accepted as he offered the lamb as a sacrifice according to the pattern given to his parents by which he clothed them again.

This is the fusion, believing the truth concerning the Word of God, the firstborn Son who is preferred before the angel who guarded the way to the tree of eternal life: the two edged sword that knows that God is Good but Man is evil.

The returning prodigal was not akin to Abel, but unlike Cain he did not bring the work of his own hands, and therefore God was able to cover him again.

Jesus in the fullness of his ministry as a man.

Jesus having questions asked of him by the religious elite.

Not three days but three parables.

And the third one has the Father referenced 12 times.

This parable spoken by the Word of God as an intentional answer to the religious elite who had not understood the wonder and provision of the passover lamb.

Yes, this is the prophetic inspiration of scripture where the depth of the answer is brought forth before his sacrifical death at Calvary, through the third parable we who are lost and have gone on journeys without the Word of God, the Word of obedience and favor with God and man.

The first reference is a repetition: the younger said father, ‘Father, give me’

And the fourth and five are a repetition a spiritual principle of the third day: the seed that died to reproduce after Gods kindness.

Five the number of grace: I will arise (as Jesus conquered the disobedience that brought death on my behalf) – I will receive the passover lamb as my sacrifice and return from the paths of death unto my fathers house. Father I have sinned!

The fifth reference: Father I have sinned – Full of Grace & truth – nothing between. Repentance is a necessity for receiving Gods answer to are transgression.

The twelfth is not spoken but it is penned in relation to the older, and is that not prophetic, Gods heart to Israel, to all who have the older more righteous in zeal attitude and issues:

It is penned by the word spoken prophetically by JESUS: And he answering said to his father!

He was his Son, but he had not received his inheritance: To know the corporate Joy shared amongst those women Mary & Elizabeth, received by Rahab within the walls of Jericho.

‘Son thou art ever with me, and all that I have is thine’.

At twelve years old he remained in his Fathers house, for three days during the Passover. They thought they had lost him!

They rebuked him, as they thought he had been naughty and not honored them. But they had lost pace with the ministry of the Spirit and the Word of God.

Until he finds it.

They returned to Jerusalem, and the first spoken words of the word of God are documented as an answer so that we all might be found and know the Joy of it.

Why are you looking for me? Do you not have a knowledge that the Father & The Son have sovereignly with the Holy Spirit decreed since before the foundation of the world, that all things can be reconciled unto the Father through the provided passover lamb.

At 33, the 33rd verse of scripture and the 33rd time God: Finished his work!

The Father, Son and Holy Spirit: A repetition of the Spiritual principle of the third day for sinful man: Day six creation.

At 33 years old upon Calvary: IT IS FINISHED, the cry of the expiring Lamb.

The start of his 42 months of ministry, his first miracle being through the words of his mother to the servants: Whatever he says to you do it!

The water turned to wine, no spoken word to make that happen!

Reserved for the Cross, where the truth of his world wide ministry is about to be corporately shared: Pitch darkness from the 6th hour to the 9th – 3 hours the earth was covered by no light as the seed was truly embedded into are blindness and inability to bear good fruit.

The sovereignty of Gods time had come: God had provided himself the sacrifice to enable the sharing of the ministry of the Word: Son thy sins are forgiven, take up your bed and walk with God again – take Gods grace with you into your home, your daily life.

John sharing in the ministry of the Word, Jesus knowing in himself that love is the order of Gods divine family: Taking Jesus mother into his home from that hour.

Then Jesus drank the bottom of the old and impossible without the Immanuel of God: Oh thank God, he has drunk the very bottom of the old wine that only gets worse as we get older: bitterness and defeat, unable to rise with joy and praise unto him who has made a way.

Are own efforts to fulfill the laws demands without the understanding of the Word that has finished it all since before the world was formed: Behold, Behold the Lamb of God who take to away the sins of the world!

It is Finished – the miracle of the new, three spoken words that shake the gates of hell: the dead being raised to life again.

Oh Thank God, it didn’t end at Calvary.

It would be a tremendous story, but that he rose again after three days is the truth of all eternity.

First to greet him risen from the tomb.

A women who had had 7 dark voices cast out of her life. Seven voices, of despair, reminders of every time she had broken Gods holy law, every time she had not been at the festival feasts.

Anna 7 years from her earthly union. A virgin until her union.

Speaking unto all who were waiting for the redemption of Jerusalem.

Mary Magdalene, an encounter with repetition. Not in the temple this time, but in the garden she meets a man, whom she knew not was Jesus.

I am ascending to my Father & your father, My God and your God.

First to meet him, first to take the spiritual principle of the third day unto all his followers, unto all who are waiting for their redemption and the fulfilling of all Gods promises.

She was commissioned to share the ministry of the Word of God, the nature of God, Neither do I condemn thee go and sin no more.

Commission to share the truth that sets prisoners free: The Spirit of the Lord.

I have seen the Lord and he has said these things unto me!

Repetition, sharing those things he has done: Dieing for are sins, rising he justified.

The ministry of the Word: the preparation for the unity for the day of grace multiplied.

The third time in Luke Ch 15 Jesus uses the word ‘Father’

The third time contain the spiritual principle: And if we have ears to hear it and eyes to see it, it contained the seed that his older brother could not offer to God from within his own fields of labour! His older brother was not a hired hand, but he was a ‘Son’ of his Father and had access to ask for all that his Father had provided – his Fathers generosity was available to him.

Rebecca knew this concerning her fathers house: plenty of straw and fodder. This knowledge enabled her to extend her fathers provisions until this traveller.

The third time contained the answer for his older brother finding his Fathers heart.

V22: The eighth time the father referred to: leads to the clearest time in all scripture that Jesus the Son of God and the ministry of the Word is revealed: Jesus speaking as his Fathers is prophetic of that which he had come to finish:

‘For this my Son was dead and is alive again’

For this Jesus went to the cross and rose again.

But the father said to his servants!

The twelve time: but …….but he was angry, but he answered! Look these many years I have served you!

But God has a repetition of an answer to all those times we accuse him in the temple, of having withheld a good thing! Mary came to understand it more deeply as time continued as a mother in Israel within the new born church: Son, daughter all that I have is given unto you and I am with you always.

The communion with God, walking with him in the garden is the sound and voice of the shepherd of the sheep: Who is indeed his brothers keeper – Let us! Let there be light, Let it be unto me according to thy Word.

There was an earthquake – the earth quaked: the darkness of the ground could not contain the seed that had come from heaven: the disobedience of death could not contain the seed of everlasting life. A spiritual principle: And is alive, is risen indeed.

Are morning service had much reference to the Passover, and how the 12th hour midnight was when the lamb was slain: after having been with the family for 5 days.

And how Jesus entered Jerusalem: Hosanna, save us now, 5 days before the passover. And how all the shepherds and lambs and the people entered on this day, selecting spotless lambs for the passover sacrifice.

And he arose and came to him: Father, I have sinned. But God had provided another Son, Jesus as the perfect one, the Word spoken by the Father: The 8th biblical man: But the father said to the servants: For this my Son will die and rise again.

Servitude is only remedied by Sonship: Romans 7 into 8. Whom the Son sets free is free indeed.

12 – 7 – 12

Israeli feast the Passover, Jesus a Jew remains in the temple knowing his Fathers business is an answer from heaven that fulfills the covenant promises made unto Abraham: A blessing unto every nation and family that receives this Word.

Anna 7 & Mary Magdalene 7.

Jesus in Luke Ch 15: third parable Father x12.

This parable has an older son of Jewish law keeping but who had missed the Messianic sacrifice that brings Sonship.

The younger Son is gentile in nature and ends up desiring pigs food. He goes to a distant land, and that really has always been the Spiritual distinction: Where do you want to live? Abraham had left all behind as his answer to that question and it was unequivocally: With God again, with truth, with the living God who speaks.

And so the virginity of Anna, married, and then a pure love for God: married not out of servitude but a union and service through love: Just like Stephen.

Mary Magdalene, redemption! Have we been living in the animal trough, the consequence of breaking Gods laws. But through him, he makes all things new.

The third parable of Luke 15 has a prophetic arch, that speaks of the outward reach of Gods love to the City of Ephesus, given over to the worship of a carved, masoned, Women! A temple that did not know Fathers business, but whose worship gave licencse to all those things that bring demonic oppression – temple harlots.

When the time of the Gentiles is fulfilled returned to home, shall not all Israel be saved, shall not they SEE the SON, the Messiah.

The concave and convex love of God: John Ch 3 v16

Repetition: Brought into a temple to be stoned according to the Law of God (Ephesus)

First to greet him risen from the dead.

Redemption, the new creation, is the Repetition of Gods original truth that can not and will not change.